Opinion | So You Want to Boycott Israel? Think again.

On an ordinary day in New York City, I found myself in the midst of a group of Pro-Palestinian protesters. They were crying for the boycott of Israel and Israeli businesses. As the day wore on, this encounter sparked a curiosity within me. Is it even possible to boycott all things Israeli? And if so, what would be the fallout of such a boycott?

Well, buckle up, because we’re about to take a deep dive into these questions. We’ll explore the potential impacts and implications of this movement. So, if you’re ready to play the game of boycott, let’s get started. But remember, every action has its consequences.

Protestors Endorse BDS, Palestinian-led movement to Boycott Israel

The Impact of Israeli Innovation

Firstly, it’s crucial to comprehend the extent of Israeli innovation that is woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Despite being one of the smallest countries globally, with a population of just nine million, Israel has emerged as a technological powerhouse. Israeli businesses have made significant strides in fields ranging from technology to healthcare, and agriculture to clean energy. Boycotting these businesses would mean distancing ourselves from these advancements.


Bet you didn’t realize that as you scroll through this piece, you’re likely using Israeli technology. That’s right, your beloved devices from Apple, Microsoft, Intel, and Samsung? They’re all powered by a microchip developed or manufactured in Israel. Can you imagine a day without your smartphone or laptop? I didn’t think so. 

And here’s a fun fact: USB technology, an unsung hero of our digital age, also hails from Israel. The USB flash drive was the brainchild of Amir Ban, Dov Moran, and Oron Ogdan of M-Systems, an Israeli company.

So, if you’re planning to boycott Israel, you might want to start practicing your smoke signals and carrier pigeon techniques because a boycott would likely mean bidding goodbye to social media, texting, and the internet. A sobering thought, isn’t it?


Many of us depend on digital navigation systems like Waze. However, a boycott of Israeli businesses would mean giving up this tool. Waze was originally developed in Israel by Waze Mobile, founded by Israeli entrepreneurs Ehud Shabtai, Amir Shinar, and Uri Levine. Even Google Maps wouldn’t be a viable alternative, as Google acquired Waze. This could mean a return to old-fashioned paper road maps, a rather inconvenient prospect, wouldn’t you agree?


For those who savor the fresh taste of fruits and vegetables, it’s worth noting that the produce you enjoy may be the result of Israeli innovation. Modern drip irrigation was developed in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu. This technology, a product of Israeli ingenuity, has revolutionized agriculture in over 110 countries worldwide. A boycott could mean bidding farewell to a significant portion of the world’s fresh produce. Are you willing to give this up? Certainly merits some food for thought.


Amazon’s Kindle, one of the hottest gadgets on the market, was actually developed in Israel. Several years ago, a team in Israel, now known as Oracle, was approached to develop a Java platform for e-book software. So, the next time you cozy up with your Kindle, remember the Israeli innovation that made it possible.


Mobileye is a technology company that develops vision-based advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) providing warnings for collision prevention and mitigation. It was founded in Israel in 1999. Mobileye’s technology has been instrumental in reducing the number of accidents on the road. By providing drivers with real-time warnings, Mobileye has helped prevent collisions and saved countless lives. But hey, if you're into playing bumper cars on the road go ahead and boycott away!

The Extent of Boycott: More Than Just Inventions

Boycotting Israel isn’t just about avoiding Israeli inventions. It extends to boycotting the brands that support it too. You’ll have to say goodbye to your daily Coca-Cola fix, your McDonald’s Big Mac, and your Nike sneakers. Starbucks? Forget about it. Johnson and Johnson, Tesla, Apple? Gone. Your Bank of America account? Closed. Disney, Google, Forbes, Instacart, Linkedin, Walmart, Warner Brothers, Zoom, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley? All off-limits. The list is so long, you might as well be living in a cave.

The Consequences of Boycott: Living in Isolation

But what does this boycott mean in the grand scheme of things? From medical breakthroughs to everyday conveniences, Israeli contributions are everywhere. A comprehensive boycott would mean renouncing these advancements, effectively choosing to live in isolation. Can one truly disengage from a country whose innovations have become integral to the fabric of contemporary life? The answer is simple: no. 

Some American Brands Influenced by Israeli Technological and Economic Advancement

The World Without Israeli Inventions

So, before you decide to boycott Israel, consider this: the world would not be the same without Israeli inventions, but it would be a better place without anti-Semitism and hate. So go ahead, try to boycott Israel. But don’t say I didn’t warn you when you find yourself cut off from society.


Opinion | Face The Facts: Anti-Zionism is Masked Antisemitism


Opinion | Mourning My People and Defending Their Right To Exist: Being an Israeli-American at NYU